Rama, a central figure in Hindu mythology, is revered as an embodiment of dharma (righteousness), compassion, and virtue. Born as the eldest son of King Dasharatha and Queen Kausalya in the kingdom of Ayodhya, Rama's life is chronicled in the ancient epic Ramayana, attributed to the sage Valmiki. Rama's story begins with his exile from the kingdom due to his father's obligation to fulfill a promise made to his second wife, Queen Kaikeyi. Rama, along with his wife Sita and his loyal brother Lakshmana, spends fourteen years in the forest, adhering to his duty with unwavering resolve despite facing numerous trials and tribulations. Throughout his exile, Rama upholds righteousness, exemplifying ideal conduct as a son, husband, brother, and ruler. His unwavering commitment to truth and honor earns him the adoration of sages, animals, and even celestial beings. He treats everyone with respect and compassion, regardless of their station in life, embodying the ideal of universal br...